Privacy Newsletter

Privacy Policy – Newsletter

In compliance with the Regulation EU 2016/679 and related national law, we provide to Data Subject the necessary information regarding the purposes and methods of personal data’s processing for what concerns the data released at the moment of subscription to the Newsletter.

The data’s processing is based on the principles of lawfulness, fairness and transparency, limitation of purpose and storage, minimization, accuracy, protection by all legitimate means of integrity, confidentiality and rights.


The Controller is  Gmc Componenti e Profili Srl, based in Via Serenissima, 39 - 31040 Gorgo al Monticano (TV) Italy, contactable at: info@gmccomponenti.it.

The processing operations will be carried out by Data Handler appointed by the Controller, who will operate under his direct authority in accordance with the instructions received.


The personal data voluntarily provided by the Data Subject through the compilation of the form and necessary for subscription to the Newsletter of this site, will be exclusively processed for the activity of sending information and commercial emails concerning activities, news and services offered, other than for the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller.

Will not be made any different data processing from the purposes specified here without delivery of the related Policy and the specific consent given from the Data Subject.

Obligatoriness or optionality of the given data

Fill the fields of the Newsletter’s form with personal data is optional except for those fields indicated as mandatory. The mandatory data are necessary to achieve the purposes and denial to provide them will determine the impossibility, for the Controller and his Data Handler, to send the Newsletter emails as requested from the Data Subject.

Methods of processing

The data will be processed with IT tools in compliance with the security measures required by current legislation.

The personal data, given by the Data Subject by the compilation of the Newsletter’s form fields in the moment of registration, will be stored in the relative application exclusively for the purposes indicated above.

The Data Controller undertakes to observe specific security measures to prevent the loss of data, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access, in full compliance with the law and regulations.


The Data Subject must give his consent to processing his personal data for the purposes envisaged in this privacy policy to receive the requested Newsletter’s emails.

Data Communication to third parties

For the provision of this service we work with external suppliers, including foreign ones, that use dedicated server farms located in Italy and in the EU. These suppliers operate in compliance with the GDPR and related legislation and are authorized by the Controller to use the data collected and processed exclusively for the purpose of this privacy policy and only for the execution of forwarded orders.

Time of conservation

The data will be stored and processed for the purposes of this privacy policy as long as the Subject Data will not deny the consent or will cancels his registration from the newsletter through the appropriate link "deleted from the newsletter" present in each Newsletter’s email sent to him.

Data Subject rights

Data subject has the right to:

  • obtain confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning him, even if not yet registered, and their communication without delay in an intelligible form;
  • require information on your personal data stored by us (ex: origin, purposes, methods, categories, applied logic, retention period, rights, identification data of the Data Controller, subjects or categories to which data can be communicated) by writing us;
  • withdraw consent to the processing of data;
  • demand erasing of data;
  • require the transformation and / or the limitation or the block of processed data in violation of the law;
  • require updating, rectification or integration of data;
  • obtain his personal data, provided to the Controller, in order to transmit it to another Controller;
  • Ask for confirmation that the aforementioned operations have been brought to the attention of which data have been communicated, except in the case where this fulfillment is impossible or involves disproportionate duty respect to the protected right;
  • oppose, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning him, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;
  • propose a complaint to the Privacy Authority (in Italy: it ).

For further information regarding laws and privacy rights, the Data Subject can visit the website of the respective competent Privacy Authority.

Privacy Authority in Italy: www.garanteprivacy.it .

The Data subject who wants to exercise his right must use the contacts of the Controller.